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Kangji, Haitai Shin Kong 2021 performance is like a rainbow! Exclusive annual report interpretation
2022-04-28 Views: 1102


Many listed companies in the minimally invasive surgery industry are actively deploying. There are only two companies listed with minimally invasive products as the main business. .Hk), Qingdao Haitai Xintuang (Shanghai Stock Exchange Science and Technology Board 688677.SH), which was listed on February 26, 2021. The two companies announced the 2021 financial report on March 22, 2022 and April 25, 2022. The overall performance is like Hong, which reflects the prospects of the booming of the minimally invasive surgical industry. "Micro" has expressed congratulations and respect to the two founders! In addition, the layout of listed companies in the robotic pharmaceutical industry has entered the minimally invasive surgery industry: Magrui Medical, Minimally Invasive Medical, Kailitai Medical (Guoshi Runda), and non -pharmaceutical listed companies have entered the layout: Hikvision (Haikang Huiying), Dahua (Hua Nuokang), Jinhai International (now Hai Medical).

Kangji Medical revenue in 2021, 690 million, an increase of 35%

Kangji Medical Holdings Co., Ltd. 12021 Annual Report Chairman speech

In terms of R & D, we started operations in the new R & D Center in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City to establish a team that focuses on pushing innovation and product development. In December 2021, Hangzhou Kangji was identified as one of the Provincial Key Enterprise Research Institute in Zhejiang Province.

During the reporting period, we actively seek strategic investment and acquisitions. In January 2021, we announced that a few equity investments were made to accurate medical care. Hangzhou Weibin Medical Robotics Co., Ltd. ("Hangzhou Wei Jing") conducts strategic equity investment. The company focuses on developing surgical robot products and equipment for laparoscopic surgery in China. The 35%equity and the biggest shareholder of controlling the board of directors. This is an important strategic investment in the field of laparoscopic surgery robotics industry. It will further enhance our product competitiveness in the long run, and may generate synergy benefits from a more comprehensive surgical surgical product combination.

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